A Letter From the President
Joseph B. Smith, President & CEO
One of the core Standards in our consulting – sales and service deliverables – is Expertise. We define Expertise as always learning, always curious, and always improving. Expertise takes a lot of time and energy. It takes “living and breathing your work”, immersing yourself in reading, listening, mentoring, and being mentored, networking, giving, and sharing. It takes grit and a burn to be the best you can at your chosen craft. As you become an “expert”, the external world sees and feels it, your value add becomes more evident, your input more relevant, your career more valuable, and your life more joyful.
You Gotta Be Ready – a short, impactful message from the Daily Stoic is a great reminder about knowing your work inside and out and being prepared. This message applies to all businesses – and people – on relevance and value in the market. I hope you enjoy it.
Be Sure.